Bible Reading/Study

The Bible is God's Word to us. In it we find the God's revelation about who God is and how God has been at work in and around us. The reading and study of the Bible help us to learn and grow in becoming the people that God is calling us to be. 

There's a App for that! - YouVersion is a free Bible App for your smartphone. It is also available for your computer at  A daily Scripture reading is available on

The Bible is a library of 66 books - written over a long period of time and in cultures very different from our own. Over the centuries there have been many different styles of interpretations and understandings on what the Bible says. We are a part of this ongoing search and discussion on what it means for us. The Bible can be hard to understand, and even the most knowledgable scholars have questions about parts of it, but it is central to our knowing who God is and who we are as God's people. God promises that God's Spirit will help us to hear what God is saying to us.

We encourage everyone to read the Bible. Part of the benefit of our life together is to be able to read and discuss/learn about the Scriptures - building on the lessons from the past and what other students of the Bible are learing - and seeing how this knowledge helps us grow into a new future. Pastor Jim is glad to anwer questions (or at least try...) and help with reading/understanding the Word. 

The Bible in Worship.

Much of the liturgy (order) of the worship service is built on Scriptural language. In our worship services we typically have 2 readings from the Bible. A Psalm and a Gospel reading. Other readings for each week are listed in our monthly newsletter.

The Bible passages for Sundays are published in advance in the Newsletter to give the opportunity for anyone to 'read ahead' in preparation for the service.

Bible studies.

We have a couple of Bible studies that meet regularly. The Pastor has a group that meets on Tuesday afternoons at 3:00 and Sunday morning at 9:15 am. This group is using material from The Wired Word - a weekly study of current news items with reflections on related Bible passages.

There is also a Bible study which meets on Thursday mornings - on a more varied schedule - see the Calendar for particular times/dates.

Getting started.


If you want to get started reading the Bible - and are looking for a place to start - try the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament. It is a good introduction to the Jesus. 

Concordia has copies of the devotional book "Daily Bread" available in our narthex (lobby). 


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