

The worship of God is central to our life together as People of God.

At Concordia we celebrate using a traditional order of worship (a "Liturgy") but we try to be "informally formal" - relaxed in our approach (that is, we try hard to not be 'stuffy') but with a profound respect for God and being in God's presence.

We gather.

In the opening of our service are the words: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. These are words which welcome us into a time 'set apart' from our ordinary life to focus on God and our relationship with God.

(As our site develops more information on our service will be included.)

[The picture to the right is our altar area set up for the season of Advent - preparing for Christmas]

We listen and respond.

The service includes music and singing, the reading of God's Word (the Bible) and reflections on what that Word means for us today. 

Gathering at the Lord's Table.

Each Sunday we celebrate the meal that Jesus gave as a remembrance of his life. All  who believe are welcome to share in this meal with us.

...and then we relax together.

After our Sunday morning worship services we have a fellowship time - including coffee/tea/lemonade and such along with snacks (cookies, cake and such) and time to 'catch up' with one another in conversation around tables in our Fellowship Hall. 

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