
We are a community! We like to get together and spend time with each other. Some of this is just fun, other times are to work together in a variety of activities to help our community and the world.

A few highlights:

Fellowship time after worship.  ( - Currently "on hold" due to COVID 19 - )

Each Sunday after worship we gather in our fellowship hall for some beverages and snacks. We have regular and decaf coffee, a variety of teas, usually also lemonade and/or iced tea. Along with this there are cakes or cookies or fruit or other types of snacks prepared by a volunteer. It is a good time to catch up on the week.


Monthly Pot Luck dinners   ( - Currently "on hold" due to COVID 19 - )

These are usually held on the second Friday of the month in the Fellowship hall at 5 pm. (See Calendar for specific dates)

This is just what is sounds like - a time for people to bring in whatever they choose and share in a meal together. This is often held with some kind of educational or entertaining program.


Other Fellowship times are related to some of our other groups/activities - like WELCA.


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